Algonquin Outfitters

How many nights is a 3-day trip?

This question comes up a lot because people assume it’s the same as booking hotels, but it’s not. A three-day canoe trip is best explained as spanning three days, including two nights. For example, this could be Friday-Saturday-Sunday, or any other combination of three days. All of our rental gear and packages are based on calendar days. Think about it this way: you generally use our canoes or other rental items during the day whereas, when you rent a hotel room, you use it for the night!

Our outfitting packages are also booked by the calendar day. On the first day, the packages provide lunch, supper and sometimes a continental breakfast, depending on the accommodation arrangements (i.e., if you’re staying in a tent cabin). On the last day of a trip, a package typically includes only breakfast and a travel lunch (no cooking required, so it’s easy to eat while travelling), since the assumption is you’ll be heading home.