By Denise Riches, published on August 27, 2020
Tags: Algnoquin Park, Campground deliveries, Canoe Deliveries, kayak deliveries
If you’ve visited Algonquin Park, it’s probably safe to say that you’ve paddled along a few waterways in your time there. What’s not to love? After all, there’s the wildlife you may not see any other way, the amazing workout that paddling offers and, above all, the peace and quiet you hear, with the exception…
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By Denise Riches, published on August 25, 2020
Tags: Algonquin Outfitters, Algonquin Park, Canoe Trip, Tom Thomson Lake, Ultimate Package
Growing up as a tomboy, I’ve always appreciated the great outdoors. My parents nurtured that love for nature by taking me and my two younger brothers camping every year – and it was always Algonquin Park. Over the years, my list of camping staples has changed significantly, and I truly thought I had the entire…
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